Become a partner
Make use of servereye’s benefits for partners!
To become a servereye partner, all you have to do is fill out the partnership request and start an initial installation via your system house. You will then receive a pre-filled form by e-mail that you can print out, complete with the missing information, sign and return by e-mail or fax. You will then be registered as a partner on the basis of this document. You will then also receive a partner number and access to the partner area.
Your advantages as a partner
- No installation costs
- No basic fee
- No contractual obligation or minimum term
- No minimum purchase quantities or licence costs
- Partners can help shape the product and functions
- Strengthening customer loyalty
- Optimised deployment logistics and resource planning
- Relieve resources because servereye does routine work for you
- Generation of additional regular turnover
In order to receive our bronze/silver/gold partner status in the partner program, you need employees in your team who have been trained and certified by us. If you also have the required number of billed sensors, nothing stands in the way of your certified partner status.